I will be using this blog to schedule group runs, seminars, and workouts for all my athletes and other people interested in doing the ultra. I will also be using this blog to document my training for the 2010 Vermont 100 Mile Ultramarathon. For official articles, please visit my other blog at http://coachjoegold.blogspot.com.

Mileage Charts (updated 6/15/2010)

On this page I will place my ongoing training schedule. I utilize the practice of Periodization on me and my athletes' schedules. That means I adhere to some strict rules. Please see below for some rules I incorporate into my training.


Third Week, June 14 - June 21 (Huge Weekly Mileage, Overdistance Week)


Second Week, June 7 - June 13 (Key long run on either Saturday or Sunday)


First Week, May 31 - June 6 (Key Long Run Scheduled for Saturday)



Rules that I try to go by:

1) I incorporate up to 4 "Key Workouts" in a given weekly microcycle. Never more. Key Workouts are those workouts that require a lot more work to do and are critical to improving one's fitness. Key Workouts often need 24 hours to recover from. A max of 4 Key Workouts are used per week; that means that I incorporate at least 3 days of recovery and active rest from the Key Workouts.

2) I utilize a very flexible schedule that includes a list of all workouts for the week, including the Key Workouts. I do not set a rigid schedule for myself, not assigning all workouts to a specific day per week. This works extremely well for me; since I do work at odd hours, I need the flexibility. This might not work for you. You might fare better with a more rigid schedule.

3) I can schedule a Key Workout on 2 consecutive days, but not more. After 2 consecutive days, the body needs an easy day to recover. There are special exceptions to this rule, and I will note those exceptions when I run into them.

4) Key Workouts will be listed here and on the blog in red. Recovery days will be listed here in green.

5) Each 3-4 week mesocycle will usually have 1 easy week where there are no Key Workouts. This obeys the law of Periodization on a monthly level, giving the body a longer rest and a more complete recovery to tackle the next 3-4 week mesocycle. Again there are some exceptions, and I will list them on my blog when the time comes.