I will be using this blog to schedule group runs, seminars, and workouts for all my athletes and other people interested in doing the ultra. I will also be using this blog to document my training for the 2010 Vermont 100 Mile Ultramarathon. For official articles, please visit my other blog at http://coachjoegold.blogspot.com.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

198 Days to VT 100 Ultra - 15 Mile Run Deferred to Midnight

Thursday December 31:

Ooooh, this is the fun part of a long run. Several running buddies and I used to venture into the Greenbelt , the central woods of Staten Island all bundled up in winter running clothes and armed with headlamps and a sixpack of beer. Arriving at the Moses Mountain Area we used to celebrate the New Years by headlamp, drink to our health, listen to the distant fireworks, then go out for a long run to get a good start on the New Year.

And it is about to be revived. :-)

I had a 15 mile run scheduled this morning but received a call late last night from a friend that wants to get the tradition started again. Heck, I'm finally training for a big race after some years off, so I'm definitely game!

This is going to be fun. I'm running 15 miles, at midnight, on the trails of the Greenbelt, armed with a flashlight and a headlamp. Doing fun things with your fitness is the best part of training for a race. What I will also be doing in the New Year is getting groups together to do fun things, like a night-time trail run, or an informal running relay, or even a beer mile down the Jersey Shore. Along with the regular training that I post on this blog I intend to post a schedule for these events, pictures, and even videos of the events here. Training can be fun, and I intend to show the world that training is not just suffering, looking at heart rates all the time, or establishing a certain pace on the roads.

Happy New Year Everyone, and I wish all of you ultra-endurance athletes all the fun you can have with your fitness in 2010!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

199 Days to Vermont 100 Ultra - Indoor Galore - 5 mile run & 1200m swim

Wednesday December 30, 2009:

I had to clear a couple of short workouts this week, it might as well be on a really cold day.

First up, the 1200m swim session. Yes, it was a very short one, the reason being that I needed the distance for the key swim workout towards the end of the week that involves 1000m intervals.

This particular workout featured 5 intervals of 100m swims involving hand paddles, a nice toy to build strength with. And the goal here was to do them slightly hard but within myself. If I hold them all to the same time, then it was a good workout. The results were as follows: 1:17, 1:20, 1:20, 1:20, 1:19. A very decent set.

The run was back on the treadmill again with a 10 minute mile pace. I'm keeping it easy since I anticipate a 15 mile run tomorrow. Today is not the day for all out efforts. Get the rest I need, wake up lively tomorrow and tackle that long run. :-)

Criticals for both: Swim, 500m warmup, 5x100 swim w/ paddles (times shown above), 2x100 warmdown with fins - 1200m total.

Run: 5 miles on treadmill at 10 minute pace. 50 minutes total.

Totals for the week: Swim: 3400m, Bike: 30 miles, Run: 15 miles.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

200 Days to Vermont 100 Mile Ultra - 5 mile run on treadmill

It is a windtunnel out here in NY today. When you have to fight with your car to stay in your lane, you know how strong the wind is. And it is also 22 degrees out. The wind chill is probably on the south side of 0 degrees. So I find myself going to the YMCA anyway to do a shorter run than is originally planned (I did do a 30 mile bike in the morning; coupling that with a 10 mile run is definitely not advisable at this point).

Up onto the treadmill for a very easy 5 mile run. Set to 10 minutes per mile. I can do 9 minutes per mile comfortably, but set it to 10 to make sure this was an easy low intensity run. And ran for 50 minutes. I felt good and loose, thanks to the bike workout in the AM and finished strong.

The criticals for this run: 5 miles on treadmill, 0% gradient. Total time 50 minutes (10 minutes per mile). The totals for the week are 2200m swim, 30 miles bike and 10 miles of running.

Tomorrow is another frigid day. I'm going to have to play it by ear as to what I want to do tomorrow.

200 Days to VT 100 Ultra: Computrainer to the Rescue!

Tuesday December 29, 2009:

I woke up to a howling wind battering on my windows.

First thought of the day? "Oh, shit..."

I had scheduled a 10 mile run this morning. With the wind chill at 10F I was not ready to go outside. I was even thinking of doing the 10 miles on the "dreadmill" at the YMCA.

But before I was ready to walk out the door to the Y, the Computrainer was talking to me.

You see, I had scheduled a big 30 mile bike on the Computrainer tomorrow and I starting thinking, "wouldn't it be nice to get the longest bike workout of the week out of the way?"

You bet! I changed into my cycling clothes, primed up the laptop and ventured over to the Computrainer. I set up the course for the first 30 miles of the Buffalo Springs Lake course, a course I personally know very well when I went down there twice for the race. It's a really nice course with key hills (I always have a warm spot in my heart for the Spiral Staircase, lol).

It turned out to be the best thing. I felt great on the bike. And yes, it is great to get the longest bike workout of the week out of the way. :-)

The criticals: Morning weight: 201 lbs. Course, BSLT, first 30 miles. Total time 1:41:33 (17.7MPH). 187 watts.

Next up might be a short run in the PM when the temps are warmer. If not, I'll be doing an easy swim tonight in the pool.

Monday, December 28, 2009

201 days till VT 100 Ultra - I Love Comfortable Runs

Monday December 28:

5 miles of running bliss. When beginners ask me once they start working out how they can sustain it, the main goal for me as a coach is to get them to this point, where a run is a very enjoyable thing to behold. But, they need to go through a little pain first.

You see, running basically exposes the brutal truth of your fitness more than any other discipline. It is the one discipline where you have to totally carry your own weight, so when you start running after time away from the sport or for the first time ever, it can be a truly painful experience. So painful that they may want to running altogether.

What I as a coach do in this situation is tell them that the first 3 weeks are basically the worst, and then it gets better after that once their body starts adapting to the run...in which they start getting into a beautiful zone like today's run that I did. It's one of the greatest challenges as a coach to get discouraged people to stick with it, but when those very same people finish a run with a smile on their face a month later, I know I did my job well.

Here are the criticals for the 5 mile run: Moderately windy, temp 38F. Course is the South Ave. run course. Total time for this run is 41:42 (8:20/mi. pace).

Tomorrow morning I will probably double up the run in the morning and do a "ride" on my Computrainer in the PM. This might change if it gets really cold tonight.

201 days till VT 100 Ultra - How NOT to swim repeats

Monday December 28, 2009:

OK, first a correction. I do not have only 190 days to the ultra; "upon further review", I actually have 201 days before the grand date. That is 10 extra days to train for this race. If those 10 extra days decide whether I finish this extreme test or not, then I'll gladly take those 10 days.

Secondly, for the swim, I preach repeatedly to try to keep the interval times very even for the best results. This morning, it seems like I myself ignored the rule. I guess I was waaaay too eager to knock out some intervals, only to have myself blow up at the end.

The intervals in question were 4x200m swims with 30 seconds rest in between the intervals. Feeling extraordinarily loose today, I started the first one like a bullet. Time was 2:42. As soon as I started the second int I knew I was dead meat. Time for the second was 2:53, a full 11 seconds slower than the first one. Not good at all. The 3rd int was 2:57 and barely hanging on. The 4th leveled off at 2:57.

Folks, this is how NOT to do intervals. Yes, I gutted them out at the end, but I probably got very little in return in the last 2 sets when they are supposed to be the most important.

A better interval for someone to do with similar ability would be times like this: 2:53, 2:53, 2:52, 2:51. I would basically trade off the extra strength on the first int for stamina in the last 2 sets. Because I tax the aerobic glycolysis system instead of the anaerobic energy systems, I would have gotten a lot more out of this than what I did today.

Lesson learned.

The 100m sprint at the end was where the anaerobic system needed to be taxed, and I did well there. Time was 1:12.

Full workout details (2200m total swim):

1x500 warmup
4x200 with 30 sec. rest
6x150 easy paddle work (untimed)
1x100 sprint

Small run is up next.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

4 Week Mesocycle Beginning 12/28/2009 to 1/24/2010

Time for a month overview of the new 4 week mesocycle. With this week, I will be focusing on building my base here. Notice that with all of these charts, there is a peak week and a low-volume week. You NEED to build in a recovery week in every 4 week mesocycle for each of the disciplines you are working on. For example, the run (as shown in the chart above) peaks at week 3 and has a recovery week at week 4. The other charts also show a peak week for the swim and bike as well.

Week 3 is going to be a special week as I will be in Puerto Rico for a seminar. I will be without my bike and might not have the facilities to swim in, so I will concentrate on the run for that week.

The goals for the following mesocycle are straightforward: 1) All intensty for the training is low intensity and completely aerobic. This will help to start to build the volume necessary for the Vermont 100 Mile Ultra, 2) Weight loss to hopefully 185 pounds by the end of the mesocycle. I started 2 weeks ago at 209 pounds and am now at 201 pounds. If I can lose about 15 pounds during this mesocycle I would have partially satisfied of meeting a goal of 170 pounds by the beginning of March.

So I start the first week of this mesocycle tomorrow with a morning swim and an afternoon run...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

T-194 Days to VT 100 Mile Ultra - No rest on Christmas Eve - 26 Mile Bike on Computrainer

Thursday December 24:

Follow also on: http://www.athlinks.com/racer/30527288/Coach-Joe-Gold.aspx

Ooooh, this was a good one. I've never felt this comfortable on the bike since the 1990's. Choosing the hilly Columbian Triathlon Course, I decided to really challenge myself here.

After calibrating the machine, I immediately set out on a pretty tough pace. I had to adjust the computerized pacer upward to match the effort. The hills were challenging but I did rather well here, concentrating my spinning circles to keep as efficient as possible.

The downhills were a treat, hitting a simulated 33 MPH on some of the larger downhills (unlike real hills where you can coast without pedalling, you need to pedal on the Computrainer to move).

I finished the hilly course with a total time of 1:27:02 (17.9 MPH), a good showing for this course at this time. Average wattage is 194.

With consistency, I should even improve on this result.

T-195 Days to VT 100 Mile Ultra - 3000m swim

Wednesday December 23, 2009"

With temps at 18 degrees F, I nixed the run again and went to the pool to swim (as a triathlete I'm glad I have disciplines to fall back on when the weather gets bad). Some pretty good distance sets planned here.

500 meter warmup to get started

1x1000 meter swim. Time 15:45, Not bad but needs improvement. Water was very hot today and did have a factor in the time.

5x200 easy swim and kicking with fins. Good to smooth out the stroke.

2x200 IMs on 4:30. Times for both? 3:34 each. Could have been faster.

1x100 warmdown.

Not the best workout but it did point to me where my weaknesses are.

I'm pretty much falling behind on the week. I'll have to see whether doubling up is needed or maybe omit some training for the rest of the week.

T-196 Days Until VT 100 Ultra - 15 mile bike on CompT

First off, the run was nixed. There is something about temps below 20 degrees F that I just can't handle. If the cold continues I might have to be forced onto the treadmill at the YMCA (I never really liked the treadmill but it's marginally better than getting my balls frozen off outside in frigid temps.

The ride was on the Computrainer. As with the run there is a threshold temp that makes me scramble indoors with the trainer and that is 45 degrees F. Anything lower than that and I'll look like that frozen popsicle that you see on the side of the ice cream truck. Wouldn't taste good either.

Back to the workout. It was the first 15 miles of the Ironman Germany Course. Total time was 49:25 (18.2 MPH). 189 watts of power average.

I can feel this being a tough week with the hustle and bustle of Christmas approaching and the sustained cold weather crimping my running. Must...be...focused...

T-197 to Vt Ultra - Rest Day

Monday December 21, 2009:

Well, it's not really a rest day. There are so much work to be done before Christmas that I dedicated this day to clearing that BIG pile on my desk. Tomorrow I'll resume with probably a run and a bike ride.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Week - December 20-27

OK, this week has Christmas in the middle of it, obviously a little bit of a distraction. Since I am quite busy with other things on Monday, I will need to take the day off there. That means I'll be training on Christmas Day. No rest for the wicked.

Hopefully I'll be doing the same distances as last week. The distances are as follows:

6000m swim
60 mile bike
40 mile run

There seems to be a warming trend this week as temps should be in the 40s by Christmas. That means I will pobably be scheduling a 15 mile run at the end of the week.

Tuesday I start as Monday is off. Be back then. :-)

Week in Review - Dec 14 to Dec 20

Totals for the week: 6000m swim, 60 miles of cycling, and 40 miles of running. Not bad for the first real week of training after a long hiatus.

The next 3 weeks I will be staying at these distances to get accustomed to the workload. I also promised to get myself down to 170 pounds by March. I will be posting my weight frequently as well in future posts until I get to my target.

Christmas rapidly approaching. :-)

T-198 to VT 100 Ultra - 25 mile bike and 1 hour of shoveling!

Sunday December 20, 2009:

About 11 inches fell on Staten Island. Pretty tough conditions out there. At 6AM in the morning I ventured outside to dig out both my apartment and helped out my parents at their home. I digged out 3 cars, 2 driveways, 2 walkways, and 3 walks to the buildings themselves, not to mention removing the snow off of the cars. The snow was pretty heavy stuff and my arms and back were pretty sore afterwards.

The bike workout late in the AM. Even with the sore back, I was able to sit well on the Computrainer doing 5 laps of the hilly Central Park Course with a time of 1:26:43 for a total of 25 miles.

T-199 Days to VT 100 Mile Ultra - Snowstorm Coming!

Saturday December 19, 2009:

Time to juggle the remaining courses for the week. We have the potential for a pretty historical storm coming up in the afternoon and overnight today. So, I planned both a 2000m swim and a 10 mile run today. This is a tough decision since I need to do both back-to-back in the AM before I hunker down for the snowstorm.

The swim was first. Pool was quite busy, but I was early enough to grab a lane for myself. The workout is more of a power set than a distance set:

500m warmup, 10x100 with 30 seconds rest (1:20, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:21, 1:21, 1:21). 4x100 easy snorkel swims, 1x100 all out (1:13) - 2000m total.

This focused on power sets. Wow, the 100m swims were great. I got stronger as I knocked off set after set, and with decent times as well. I must have eaten something good last night to pull this off. :-) The snorkel swims is with a modified snorkel with the tube coming up the front instead of normally on the side of the head; this is to work on stroke symmetry without turning the head to breathe. The last 100m sprint was a little tough. The last 50 meters were tougher than the first 50 meters, with arms getting a tad heavy.

The 10 mile run happened right after the swim in Great Kills Park and some of the White Trails of the Greenbelt. I might as well utilize the trails for the last time before it gets snowed in. It was pretty cold and pretty windy with the approach of the storm. Nevertheless, the run is finished with a time of 1:25:40.

With only an indoor ride left tomorrow (and quite a bit of shoveling I guess), I am ready for the storm.

T-200 Days to Vermont 100 - 2000m Swim and 6 Mile Run

Friday December 18, 2009:

Early morning AM Swim - 500m warmup, 3x100 IMs with 45 second rest (1:35, 1:35, 1:35), 4x150 one arm paddles, 1x500 easy swim, 1x100 warmdown.

This was more of a specialized workout involving all 4 competitive strokes. IMs are Individual Medleys, consisting of 4 strokes in this order (fly, back, breast, free). 100 IMs are pretty tough. 200IMs can be frightenly hard and I program them from time to time. 400IMs are extremely sadistic sets. I do incorporate them maybe once or twice per month when I know I'm in excellent swimming shape.

I might also do these IMs in reverse, when it's much harder to do the fly at the end than at the beginning.

As for the 5 mile run: Travis Course (flat), time of 44:32, which is a little less than 9 minutes per mile.

Monday, December 21, 2009

T-201 Days to VT - 2000m swim and 15 mile bike

Thursday December 17, 2009:

Swim - 500 meter warmup, 3x300 with 1:00 rest (4:34, 4:34, 4:32), 5x100 easy swim drills with paddles, 2x25 sprints on 1:20 with easy 25m swim in between (:14, :14).

Nice workouts. A little rusty, but it panned out very well toward the end. The paddles for the swim is used to develop arm strength. A good toy to have in your repertoire. :-)

Bike - 15 miles on Computrainer - Coors Morgul Bismarck Course Total Time 48:32. Watts 180.

A little tired on the CT tonight. I'm glad it was only 15 miles. Moved the 10 mile run up from Sunday to tomorrow due to a possible snow storm .

T-202 Days to VT - 25 Mile Bike and 5 Mile Run

Wednesday December 16, 2009:

5 mile run in AM, South Ave Course (flat): Time 43:20.

This was a tired run. I didn't want to run today after the 15 miler, but when the pool was closed in the morning when the lifeguard overslept, I was forced to get in a morning workout. This smallish run was the best idea. I'll do the swim tomorrow.

25 mile bike in the PM on Computrainer - IMNZ course. Total Time 1:16:53. 19.5 MPH 187 watts.

Fast course. Felt real good as I shook off the effects of yesterday's 15 mile run. Swim and easy bike tomorrow.

T-203 Days to VT - 15 mile Survival Run

December 15:

Run - 15 miles on hilly Ocean Breeze Course - Total Time: 2:24:44

The ultra-style run is one of the keys to ultra training success and I will use it on most runs over 10 miles in length. The ultra-style incorporates intervals of 8 minutes of running with 2 minutes of walking. The 2 minute recovery period is so critical in running long without wearing myself out that I have run 3 weeks of 100 miles in training last year with a quick recovery afterward.

I'll talk more about the ultra-style in great length as the training wears on.

T-204 Days to VT 100 Miler - 15 Mile Bike on CT and 4 Mile Run

December 14, 2009:

Cycling on the Computrainer - 15 miles of Ironman Canada course. Total time 55:42, average speed 16.2 MPH, 182 Watts average.

Run on the Staten Island Boardwalk - 4 miles, 35:00 total.

Yes, I'm training for an ultra. But what does cycling have to do with it? Well, two reasons. One, I will be doing several triathlons next season and I want to be in shape for them. Second, I have an extensive triathletic background and feel that an all-around cross training regimen will minimize any injury while building my base. As I get closer to the ultra, my running mileage will go up as the cycling and swimming will slip into the background.

This is the first week of my 4 week build, one that concentrates on weight loss and consistency in my training. Base training is supposed to be comfortable and low intensity while building volume. If one is out of breath in this stage, he or she is going too fast.

Anyway, I hope you join me in my training with this blog. This should be a very educational blog describing my training methods. And it'll show you that I will walk the walk and prove to all of you that my techniques work in the most extreme of endurance events.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hi guys! Welcome to my blog. I am a PERSONAL triathlon and ultra-endurance coach that will be VERY active in the New York City and New Jersey Area. Unless listed otherwise, all seminars and group workouts are FREE to the public.

And I also will document my own personal training here for the Vermont 100 next summer. If you are interested in going beyond the marathon into ultra territory, it might be worth your while to follow along because ultra training is so very different from other forms of training. The philosophy is different and I'll be aiming to show this philosophy here and with my articles on my other blog http://coachjoegold.blogspot.com.

And if anyone wants help in planning their triathlon or running schedule, I can help you very much as a USA Triathlon Certified Coach. I am old school when it comes to coaching; I take pride in being a PERSONAL coach, not just an online coach. I refuse to coach someone who's halfway around the country via the internet because I feel I am not earning my money just sending a cookie-cutter plan.

And as with personal coaching I go farther than most online coaches in providing HANDS ON TECHNIQUE with your runs and swims to get you faster on the road and in the water.

I'm also on Athlinks (Coach Joe Gold) and Twitter (coachjoegold). You can follow me on both.

Some come on down this spring, check us all out, work out with us, join the seminars for free and see what I'm about. Come as frequently as possible without any commitment. Then, if your interest is piqued, sign on and go farther than you ever thought possible!

See you soon and good luck with your training! THINK BIG!!!